
The 50 brands with the highest sponsorship commercial value of 2020.

The international media company SportsPro-Media has published the 50 brands with the highest sponsorship commercial value based on visibility and its social media engagement.

To calculate the value of each brand, the company analyzes two metrics (KPI); the potential value and promotion quality, which are multiplied together to determine the Ad Value.

Some of the conclusions are:


Brands within Top-5 with the highest commercial value:

  • The two biggest international sports clothing and accessories, Nike & Adidas, A relevant fact is that the American brand doubles the value of the German brand.
  • With hardly any difference, we find out two energy drinks companies, Monster & Red Bull.
  • The 2nd place is for the airline Emirates, which is pretty far from its competition  Qatar Airways (44th place).

In addition, another conclusion related to the Top-10 positions is that most of the brands are associated with sports, especially with team sports and more specific to football. 

The first Spanish brand is in the position 7th, Banco Santander (en la posición 7ª).

Santander owns the title sponsors of LaLiga and also is a sponsor of the UEFA Champions League.


Analyzing the 50 brands of the list an interesting fact is the number of brands belonging to the same industry:

  • 10 automotive companies
  • 9 clothes and accessories brands
  • 7 financial companies
  • 5 drinks brands

After this distribution there are companies that belong to the following industries: 

  • With 3 brands in each industry; alcohol, entertainment and telecommunication companies.
  • With 2 brands: airlines, tires and electric companies.
  • With a single brand per sector; betting, logistics, technology and electrical appliances.



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